Grants & Funding
The photo that you might have just clicked on shows one of the Malvern ‘Gasketeers’ about to maintain Malvern’s Historic gas lamps on her bicycle. The Sustainable Development Fund (now the Community Projects Fund) funded the restoration of the lamps and the training of the Gasketeers.
The Malvern Hills National Landscape grant schemes are listed below: all aim to support projects that bring social, environmental and economic benefits to the Malvern Hills National Landscape and which help to deliver the Malvern Hills AONB Management Plan.

Access for All. Defra has kindly provided money to all National Landscapes in order to support projects that make access to and within the Malvern Hills National Landscape easier. The project started in 2022/23, takes a rest in 23/24, with more funding available in 2024/25, so we welcome your ideas for projects in 2024/25. Please contact David Armitage to discuss them and take a look at the Access for All project achievements in 2022/23 to see what has already been done.

Farming in Protected landscapes Grant: Available for farmers and land managers within the Malvern Hills National Landscape until March 2025; this website has further details about the grant scheme, which provides support for improvements to the natural environment, cultural heritage, historic buildings and public access.

Community Projects Fund: The long-running Sustainable Development Fund has been renamed the Community Projects Fund. The grant fund supports projects that bring social, environmental and economic benefits to the area. Apply for a grant by contacting David Armitage . You can download guidance on the grant and an application form from this website and you can see the projects that have been funded here.

Landscape Grants: These supports practical work and projects that help to enhance the landscape, biodiversity and countryside character of the Malvern Hills National Landscape. You can apply for a grant (£500 – £2000) from Paul Esrich on 01905 845057. Aimed at small landowners, Parish Councils, community groups and individuals the work must relate to land within the boundary of the Malvern Hills AONB. If your project involves bigger sums, take a look at our Farming in Protected Landscapes page

Water Management
Severn Trent Environmental Protection Scheme (STEPS) provides grants to improve land management for water quality. Advice on Catchment Sensitive Farming is provided by Natural England.
Connecting People to the Malvern Hills National Landscape
If you have a project idea that will connect people to our natural environment in the Malvern Hills National Landscape, please contact David Armitage on 01905 845055