Joint Advisory Committee Members
Chair Councillor J, Raine Malvern Hills District Council
Vice Chair Mike Wilkinson
Mr S. Bosley Herefordshire Association of Local Councils
Councillor Helen Heathfield Herefordshire Council
Councillor Liz Harvey Herefordshire Council
Councillor Scott Richardson Brown Worcestershire County Council
Councillor Pam Cumming Malvern Hills District Council
Fran Victory Malvern Hills Trust
Councillor Malcolm Victory Worcestershire County Council
Councillor R. Yeates Forest of Dean District Council
Mr W. Barnes Forestry Commission
Prof R. Bryant Herefordshire and Worcestershire Earth Heritage Trust
Ms S. Faulkner National Farmers Union
Mr J. Hervey-Bathurst Country Land and Business Association
Mrs Hazel McDowell Natural England
Mr F Hill Campaign for Protection of Rural England
Neil Rimmington Historic England
Mr A. Lee Herefordshire Local Access Forum
Position vacant Visit Herefordshire/Destination Worcestershire