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Malvern Hills National Landscape

Staff from #universityofworcester were out yesterday using drones to photograph and map  part of the Whippets Brook on the edge of Malvern. This is an important watercourse for the endangered White-clawed Crayfish. Yesterdays work was a pilot to assess whether drone technology can identify features that may play a positive or negative role in Crayfish conservation in this locality.Image attachmentImage attachment

Staff from #universityofworcester were out yesterday using drones to photograph and map part of the Whippets Brook on the edge of Malvern. This is an important watercourse for the endangered White-clawed Crayfish. Yesterday’s work was a pilot to assess whether drone technology can identify features that may play a positive or negative role in Crayfish conservation in this locality. See MoreSee Less

1 day ago
As the financial year draws to a close we are delighted to have supported 32 projects with FiPL funding in the last 12 months. Everything from restoring old orchards, planting parkland trees, pond creation, hedge laying and shelter belt planting. All supporting nature recovery, habitat connectivity, farming and landscape restoration.

Were also delighted to announce that the FiPL project will continue for at least another year. So please let us know if you have a possible project.

#farminginprotectedlandscapesImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

As the financial year draws to a close we are delighted to have supported 32 projects with FiPL funding in the last 12 months. Everything from restoring old orchards, planting parkland trees, pond creation, hedge laying and shelter belt planting. All supporting nature recovery, habitat connectivity, farming and landscape restoration.

We’re also delighted to announce that the FiPL project will continue for at least another year. So please let us know if you have a possible project.

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5 days ago
Land Management
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